
On Air

Rick Morgan

Mon - Fri: 05:00 AM - 09:00 AM

Sedgwick County lifts curfew on bars, nightclubs with health order

Sedgwick County lifts curfew on bars, nightclubs with health order

Sedgwick County lifts curfew on bars, nightclubs with health order

A new local health order has been issued for Sedgwick County which will lift the midnight curfew for bars, nightclubs and restaurants that serve alcohol.   These establishments will be able to remain open until 2 a.m.

Deputy County Manager Tim Kaufman said another change will allow mid-size venues with a capacity of 400 to 1,000 people to host events as long as the capacity does not exceed 25 percent of fire code capacity.     Venues with a capacity of more than 1,000 people will still have to submit a plan for approval by the local health officer.

Restaurants, bars and nightclubs are not considered mass gatherings.  Tables may not have more than eight people seated together, and the establishments will still have to be limited to no more than 75 percent of fire code capacity or 150 people, whichever is less.

The new health order from local health officer, Dr. Garold Minns, will become effective Saturday, February 27th.

County manager Tom Stolz says new cases of COVID-19 have been declining and the county now has a positive testing rate below 5 percent.



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