
On Air

Ashley Blake

Mon - Fri: 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Riverfest poster and button designs revealed

Riverfest poster and button designs revealed

Riverfest poster and button designs revealed

The poster and button designs for this year’s Riverfest have been revealed, with the theme of “Downtown Get Down.”

Wichita artist, Jay Walter, came up with the winning design and was awarded $4000.

“I’m so excited to have this opportunity as an artist and a citizen,” Walter said. “What a perfect-for-me way to
support the Wichita community and contribute to Riverfest. And it was a great contest experience, thanks to the
team at Wichita Festivals and Emprise Bank.”

Riverfest organizers also revealed some changes for this year’s festival. The Sundown Parade will have a different route. The River Run will include a new race, the Katie Partridge Memorial 5k. A drone race is also scheduled. The Riverfest mobile app, which includes an interactive map, will see some new features.

Riverfest 2019 runs May 31 to June 8.



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