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Kevin Freeman

Monday - Friday 12:00 AM to 5:00 AM

Petition filed for ouster of Wichita city council member over false attack ad

Petition filed for ouster of Wichita city council member over false attack ad

Petition filed for ouster of Wichita city council member over false attack ad

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  • Petition filed for ouster of Wichita city council member over false attack ad

Sedgwick County District Attorney Marc Bennett said Wednesday his office has filed a civil petition seeking the ouster of Wichita City Council member James Clendenin.

Clendenin is one of three people identified with a false attack ad that was directed at Brandon Whipple during his campaign for the Wichita Mayor’s office in 2019.

Bennett’s 20-page petition cites interviews conducted by his investigators and information from recorded conversations with Clendenin, former Sedgwick County Commissioner Michael O’Donnell and State Representative Michael Capps.

The petition lists four counts against Clendenin.  One involves false allegations made against Whipple by the attack ad, cited as a criminal false communication in violation of state law.   The second count alleges false allegations against Sedgwick County Republican Party chairman Dalton Glasscock to blame him for the attack ad.   The third count involves financial donations to a charity group for the cost of the attack ad.  The fourth count deals with Clendenin’s role in the dissemination of the attack ad and a later agreement to shift blame for the ad to Glasscock, a violation of the Wichita City Code of Ethics.

A statement from Bennett’s office said the petition will be assigned to a District Court judge, and a date will be scheduled for a hearing.

Clendenin, Capps and O’Donnell have been named in a lawsuit filed by Whipple over the false ad.   There have been calls for the three men to resign, and O’Donnell stepped down on November 13th after Bennett said there was evidence for ouster proceedings.   Bennett said he has turned over results of his investigation to the Kansas Attorney General’s office for a decision regarding Michael Capps.



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